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Life is full of clues you just need to be aware....

Where it all began

Where it all began

Life's most pivotal moments can shape our destiny. As I reflect on my own journey, one profound moment stands out—a shift in perception, an 'Ah-Ha' moment, a realisation that life's complexities held a deeper purpose.

Growing up in a Catholic household and educated in a Catholic school, I was steeped in the teachings of faith. However, it was a moment outside a church, surrounded by parishioners, that my intuition whispered a different truth. I observed conversations that contradicted the sermon, and it left me feeling confused, as if the energy had shifted.

As years passed, I experienced moments of intuition and connection that defied conventional explanation. Seeing and sensing the presence of departed loved ones, manifesting my desires, and finding the courage to leave a toxic relationship were all signs of a deeper intuition at play.

But it was a simple request for a sign, a break from relentless rain, that unveiled a powerful force guiding me toward a different path. A force I couldn't ignore, one that led me to trust my own intuition.

I delved into intuitive development, Reiki, sound bowls, aromatherapy and meditation, discovering the incredible power within me. I became a Reiki Master, and with each attunement, my confidence grew—I didn't need gurus or complex teachings; I simply needed to honour and expand what was inside me.

Over the years, I've had the privilege of guiding others through their transformative journeys. Clients often comment on my non-judgmental, direct approach, my ability to create peace and calm, clarity and flow.  I provide a safe space for them to explore their lives, often for the first time. I witness their transformation and the acceptance it brings, and I want to share what I've learned.

My calling is to help you find peace in your journey. Through intuition, mindfulness, peace, and unwavering support, I'm here to guide you through life's transitions. You can take the wheel of this chapter and learn to navigate your narrative authentically. Welcome to a fearless, accepting space where you'll discover your authentic journey, one step at a time. It's not a whimsical task; it's beautifully simple, and it starts with you.

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